14 research outputs found

    The study of a mesoscale model applied to the prediction of offshore wind resource

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    The Supergen wind research consortium is a group of research centres which undertake research primarily aimed at reducing the cost of offshore wind farming. Research is undertaken to apply the WRF mesoscale NWP model to the field of offshore wind resource assessment to assess its potential as an operational tool. WRF is run in a variety of configurations for a number of locations to determine and optimise a level of performance and assess how accessible that performance might be to an end user. Three studies set out to establish a level of performance at two different sites and improve performance through optimisation of model setup and post processing techniques. WRF was found to simulate wind speed to an appreciable level by reference to similar studies, though performance was found to vary throughout the course of the model runs and depending on the location. An average correlation coefficient of 0.9 was found for the Shell Flats resource assessment at 6-hourly resolution with an RMSE of 1.7ms-1. Performance at Scroby Sands was not at as high a level as that seen for Shell Flats with an average correlation coefficient for wind speed of 0.64 with an RMSE of 2ms-1. A range of variables were simulated by the model in the Shell Flats investigation to test the flexibility of the model output. Wind direction was produced to a moderate level of accuracy at 10-minute resolution while aggregated stability statistics showed the model had a good appreciation of the frequency of cases observed. Areas of uncertainty in model performance were addressed through model optimisation techniques including the generation of two ensembles and observational nudging. Both techniques were found to add value to the model output as well as improving performance. The difference between performance observed at Shell Flats and Scroby Sands shows that while the model clearly has inherent skill it is sensitive to the environment to which it is applied. In order to maximise performance, as large a computing resource as possible is recommended with a concerted effort to optimise model setup with the aim of allowing it to perform to its best ability. There is room for improvement in the application of mesoscale NWP to the field of offshore wind resource assessment but these results confirm an inherent skill in model performance. With the addition of further validation, improvements to model setup on a case by case basis and the application of optimisation techniques, it is anticipated mesoscale NWP can perform to a level which would justify its adoption operationally by the industry. The flexibility which can be offered relating to spatial and temporal coverage as well as the range of variables which can be produced make it an attractive option to developers if performance of a consistently high level can be established

    Mesoscale modelling of the UK offshore wind resource

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    Knowledge of the wind conditions at a potential offshore wind farm site is key in reducing investment risk. This is normally done through the use of large meteorological masts. However, the increasing scale of the turbines offshore requires higher and more expensive masts, driving interest in the use of alternatives to extend accurate assessment of the resource. This work examines the use of the WRF mesoscale model for assessing the wind resource at UK offshore sites. A comparison is made with existing data at two offshore sites, Scroby Sands and Shell Flats. In addition, a projection is made of the wind conditions and variability at a potential UK Round 3 site

    A study on the revival of shamanism in Horqin, Inner Mongolia

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    <i>Sox3</i>-26ala cells cause pituitary defects indistinguishable from <i>Sox3</i>-null cells.

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    <p>WT, <i>Sox3</i>+/− or <i>Sox3</i>-26ala<->WT chimeras were cut sagittally at 11.5 dpc (A) or 13.5 dpc (B) and immunostained for SOX3 and NEO expression. Percentage chimerism for each embryo in (A) and (B) was determined by qPCR as outlined in the methods. ISH for <i>Neo</i> on adjacent sections at 11.5 dpc confirmed the identification of mutant cells within the ventral diencephalon (A). Examples at 11.5 dpc show the infundibulum (I) appears unaffected in a 5% chimera, shallow in a 20% chimera and absent in a 75% chimera that also displayed a Rathke's Pouch (*) that had failed to detach from the oral ectoderm. At 13.5 dpc, heterozygous and high percentage (65%) chimeric embryos displayed a distorted infundibulum (I) with a lobular edge (arrow heads) and a branched Rathke's Pouch (*). Low percentage chimeras (20%) look similar to WT (0%). C) Phase micrographs of 13.5 dpc coronal sections through the developing pituitary show a broadening at the base of the third ventricle in chimeras (arrows). Chimerism for embryos shown in (C) was determined based on immunoreactivity for NEO in adjacent sections (data not shown).</p

    Generation of <i>Sox3</i>-26ala ES cells.

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    <p>Scale representation of the <i>Sox3</i> locus, targeting vector and recombinant alleles (A). Probing of <i>BglII</i> digested DNA from ES cell clones with the 5′ probe yielded an 8.8 kb fragment from the WT locus and a 5.9 kb fragment when the <i>Neo</i> cassette was recombined into the <i>Sox3</i> locus (<i>Sox3</i>-26ala or <i>Neo</i>). B) Representative Southern blot of 3 clones including a targeted clone (<i>Sox3</i>-26ala-3) is shown. C) PCR using primers spanning the alanine expansion (red arrows in A) was used to distinguish whether targeted clones carried the expansion and gave a 219 bp product instead of 186 bp as seen in WT.</p

    Residual nuclear SOX3-26ala protein rescues a gastrulation defect of <i>Sox3</i>-null <-> WT chimeric embryos.

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    <p><i>Sox3</i>-26ala <-> WT chimeras are normal at 7.5 dpc (gastrulation) unlike <i>Sox3</i>-null <-> WT chimeras. A total of 15 <i>Sox3</i>-flox<-> WT ES chimeras, 31 <i>Sox3</i>-null<-> WT chimeras and 21 <i>Sox3</i>-26ala<-> WT chimeras were blind scored by two independent operators as morphologically normal or abnormal. The average score for each embryo was used to plot the percentage of abnormal embryos for each condition and chi squared analysis was performed with <i>Sox3</i>-flox<-> WT embryos used to set expected outcomes. Significantly more <i>Sox3</i>-null<-> WT chimeras were abnormal (p = 0.0001) while <i>Sox3</i>-26ala<-> WT chimeras did not deviate from expected (p = 0.95). An example of normal morphology is shown for <i>Sox3-</i>flox<-> WT and <i>Sox3</i>-26ala<-> WT chimeras and an abnormal <i>Sox3</i>-null<-> WT chimera is also shown that exhibits distortion of the ectodermal layer and apparent expansion of cells at the primitive streak and the adjacent extra-embryonic region.</p

    SOX3-26ala from mouse and human retains transactivation activity.

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    <p>A) COS-7 cells were transfected with pcDNA3.1 expression vector containing either mouse <i>Sox3</i>, human <i>SOX3</i>, mouse <i>Sox3</i>-26ala, human <i>SOX3</i>-26ala or an empty vector control. Values represent mean normalised luciferase values plus standard deviation of four independent experiments measured 48 hours after transfection. Student's T-tests (two tailed, unequal variance) of SOX3-26ala from human or mouse compared to empty vector control show a statistically significant increase in luciferase activity. B) Nuclear protein lysates prepared from duplicate plates 48 hours after transfection show that less SOX3 is detected in the nucleus of cells expressing both mouse and human SOX3-26ala. pcDNA3.1-EGFP transfected cells were used as a control and prepared for both nuclear protein and whole cell extracts (WCE). Blotting for Histone H3, indicates equal loading and blotting for α-Tubulin shows an absence of cytoplasmic contamination in nuclear preparations. Transfection efficiency was determined by co-transfecting EGFP and counting positive cells prior to harvesting and found to be equal for all plasmids.</p

    sj-docx-1-wjn-10.1177_01939459241227768 – Supplemental material for Factors Influencing Medication Administration Errors as Perceived by Nurses in Pediatric Units in a Jordanian Tertiary Hospital: A Qualitative Descriptive Study

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    Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-wjn-10.1177_01939459241227768 for Factors Influencing Medication Administration Errors as Perceived by Nurses in Pediatric Units in a Jordanian Tertiary Hospital: A Qualitative Descriptive Study by Muhammad Ahmed Alshyyab, Muna A. L. Ebbini, Asma’a Alslewi, James Hughes, Erika Borkoles, Gerard FitzGerald and Rania Ali Albsoul in Western Journal of Nursing Research</p

    Endogenous <i>Sox3</i> and the <i>Sox3</i> transgene are expressed in the developing and mature SCO.

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    <p><b>A–H:</b> Sagittal sections of 12.5 dpc (A–D) and 15.5 dpc (E–H) wild type (A,C,E,G) and <i>Nr</i>/+ (B,D,F,H) embryos immunostained for SOX3 (A,B,E,F) and EGFP (C,D,G,H). SOX3 is expressed in all cells of the wild type and <i>Nr/+</i> SCO. Note the presence of the EGFP signal and higher intensity of SOX3 signal in Nr/+ transgenic sections. <b>I–L:</b> Mid-sagittal sections of adult wild type (I,K) and <i>Nr</i>/+ (J,L) brains showing expression of SOX3 and EGFP. <b>M–P:</b> Coronal sections of 12.5 dpc wild type (M,O) and <i>Sr/+;Nr/+</i> transgenic (N,P) SCO tissue. In wild type embryos, a lower level of endogenous SOX3 was detected in the SCO primordium in comparison with periluminal cells flanking the SCO (asterisk in M). This difference in SOX3 signal intensity was not observed in <i>Sr/+;Nr/+</i> embryos (N). Arrows: PC (posterior commissure). Yellow arrowheads: points of invagination of the SCO primordium. White arrowhead: mesocoelic recess. In A–L, anterior is to the left and dorsal to the top. Scale bar: 200 µm.</p